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In this blog post, I will explain the differences between monitoring your infrastructure using Prometheus vs InfluxDB. Both those databases enable you to gather metrics from your environment and make it possible to monitor even the most complicated environments. So far in my professional career, I have used both of those databases, and based on my experience, I will explain some of the key differences between them.

General information

Prometheus is a general-purpose monitoring solution aimed at the fast detection of problems with the environment. Data is stored in Prometheus by default only for 15 days, and this is because Prometheus isn’t intended for long-term storage. Admins and DevOps can use Prometheus to have reliable and easy-to-set-up monitoring of their data centers. There are 3 main parts of the Prometheus monitoring stack:

  • Prometheus server
  • Alert Manager server - used for aggregating and sending alerts
  • Push Gateway server - gives the ability to gather stats from short-living jobs that report metrics on exit

Prometheus has a built-in dashboard, but it is very simple and limited in usage.

InfluxDB is a time series database that can be used to store and aggregate all kinds of values that change over time. It is not limited to monitoring a Linux server’s environment, but most of its use cases lie in this area. Influx can store data for a very long and due to built-in aggregation rules it can do it in a very efficient way. There is an advanced build in the dashboard which allows users to browse data and visualize it in different ways. We can configure build in authorization module and generate an access token for tools like telegraf or grafana to limit access to data. InfluxDB has a built-in jobs scheduler that can transform your data in configured periods. Altering is enabled out of the box and can be configured from the dashboard.


Prometheus is configured by the YAML file. You can set up a list of target systems to be scrapped. There is also another file prometheus.rules to add alert conditions and configure alerting channels such as Slack. The configuration file is very easy to generate. If you use some kind of deployment automation such as Ansible, you can set up all your target hosts where Prometheus should connect very easily.

On the other hand, the configuration of InfluxDB is done by HTTP API calls. Most of the time, we use the built-in client command line tool influx or dashboard that also comes included this InfluxDB. This approach makes it rather hard to automate the setup of InfluxDB. You need to create a bash script with a list of influx commands. Then you run this script to configure InfluxDB. Also, it is hard to make sure your configuration changes are idempotent because you can invoke such a script multiple times.

Data Gathering

Prometheus is pulling the data from endpoints configured in the YAML file. It is doing that in set intervals. There has to be a network connection from the Prometheus server to the destination endpoint for this to work. Those endpoints need to produce metrics in the right form, so Prometheus can understand them. To achieve that, the user usually deploys special services called exporters to servers that can gather metrics and expose them to be fetched by Prometheus. Examples of those services are:

  • node_exporter - for gathering metrics about CPU / RAM usage
  • mysqld_exporte - which is producing stats for MySQL database
  • haproxy_exporter - same as above but for HAProxy load balancer

InfluxDB has a different way of gathering data. It uses a special service named telegraf. This program is sending data to InfluxDB, so it is another way around compared to Prometheus. It has a lot of built-in extensions for gathering different kinds of data from a lot of sources. There is a standard set of options for sending CPU / RAM / Disc usage just like in Prometheus and many more. You can even execute your custom scripts and save your data, as far as it is in the correct format. This way of data gathering has the advantage in a dynamic environment where your services are created and destroyed on demand and configuration of such dynamic service requires additional configuration in Prometheus. Also, when income traffic from the monitoring server to your cluster is not possible due to network policy, you can you InfluxDB without problems.

Data Storage

Data in Prometheus is stored in time-series tables grouped by various dimensions based on labels such as host or URL. Labels are used for data filtering and grouping. Old data is automatically discarded based on the maximum size of the database or the age of the data. Those two parameters are configured during server start and the user can pass them via the command line. They are global and can not be changed for each metric. The size of the database depends on the number of metrics and the number of unique labels.

InfluxDB is storing data in logical namespaces called buckets. Each bucket has configured a retention period that is working similarly to global age-based old data discarding in Prometheus. In those buckets, users can create individual metrics and add tags to them. Tags give us the ability to filter and group our data. Having multiple buckets, users can add jobs inside InfluxDB that fill periodically aggregate data from one bucket to another. In this way, you can subsample your metrics for long storage, where data meant for 1-year storage will have a resolution of 1 day whereas data for 1 month will have a 1-hour resolution.

Data Access

Prometheus uses the PromQL query language, which is both simple and powerful. You can query for value in individual metrics and filter them based on label values. Example of such query:


Here, we use the http_requests_total metric and filter it by job and group. You can add the results of many queries to themselves and combine the final results in many ways. All alerts that can be configured in Prometheus are based on the PromQL query. An alert condition is in the simplest form just a comparison of the query result to a given threshold. Prometheus’s queries are leaning toward a declarative approach to data retrieval.

InfluxDB is using a more advanced query language named FluxQL. This is the predecessor of the old SQL-like query language InfluxQL used in InfluxDB before version 2.0. FluxQL is based on stream-like data transformations, where the user defines all steps that need to be run to format data incorrectly way. Example of such a FluxQL query:

from(bucket: "example-bucket")
    |> range(start: -1h)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "example-measurement" and r.tag == "example-tag")
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "example-field")

Here we can see that our data is taken from a bucket named example-bucket then we take a range starting 1 hour age. Next, we filter by measurement and tag and finally by field. As we can see, the query is much more complicated than Prometheus one, but this is because InfluxDB is a general-purpose time series database, and operations such as time range queries are must-haves in such software. FluxQL is more imperative like query language that PromQL because we need to specify all steps needed to access our data. Prometheus database software automatically assumes a lot of things about our query, and we don’t have to give all the steps.
