In this post, I will show what kind of Go primitives can be used as Go method receiver argument. If you learned Golang or just started learning you probably already know that you can pass a struct as receiver type. But there is more. Function receivers are capable of enhancing other things in Go.

What is a method receiver?

In the beginning, we will establish and remind ourselves what exactly is function receiver. Let’s take a simple example:

package main

import "fmt"

type A struct {
    i int
    j int

func (a A) sumFields(k int) int {
    return a.i + a.j + k

func main() {
    a := A{i: 2, j: 3}


I will explain what is happening here. First of all, we define type A to be struct which has two fields i and j of type int.

type A struct {
    i, j int

Next, we define function sumFields but its definition is little different than a normal one

func (a A) sumFields(k int) int {
    return a.i + a.j + k

In Go we define normal function like that:

func FuncName(Arg1 type1, Arg2 type2...) ReturnValuesList {

But this one:

func (a A) sumFields(k int) int {
    return a.i + a.j + k

has another additional argument (a A) next to func keyword.

This argument is our receiver.

Question: Can a function have multiple receiver arguments ?

Answer: No it can’t. If you write func (a A, b B) f() {} it will produce compile error method has multiple receivers. You need to treat function receivers as the way to turn it into method of given type. Just like in object oriented programming. So to simplify, our receiver can be compared to this or self keyword from object oriented languages.

Take a closer look at the usage of our new method.

func main() {
    a := A{i: 2, j: 3}


We create new variable a and call sumFields on it like if we would use a method on the object in object oriented programming. We pass 10 as argument named k which is defined next to function name.

func (a A) sumFields(k int) int

The result of the program is obviously 15.

Struct as receiver

In the first example, I have used struct type as a receiver. This is the most common way of declaring that given method extends type. If we declare our receiver like this then we will get a copy of struct to our method. To illustrate this, a small example will be the best.

package main

import "fmt"

type A struct {
    i int

func (a A) add() {

func (a A) get() int {
    return a.i

func main() {
    a := A{i: 2}

First of all, we create simple structure type A. We add two methods to it add() and get(). Notice that these methods receive struct copy as their receiver argument. We call add() method. And then get() method. As you may expect the output of this program is 2. This is because add() method modifies the copy of our struct not our original struct.

So the conclusion, of when to utilize struct as receiver type, is to use it when you don’t want to allow any modifications of your original object.

Note that when your struct contains reference as one of its members, then despite the fact that we pass a struct as copy the reference is the same. Another example illustrates it.

package main

import "fmt"

type A struct {
    i int
    b []byte

func (a A) modify() {
    a.b[0] = 10

func main() {
    a := A{i: 2, b: make([]byte, 1)}

    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", a)


    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", a)

The output of programs turns out to be:

main.A{i:2, b:[]uint8{0x0}}

main.A{i:2, b:[]uint8{0xa}}

As you can see we passed struct to method as copy but method was able to modify original object pointer by reference inside a struct ([]byte slice in this example gets modified from {0x0} to {0xa})

Struct pointer as receiver

Functions receivers can be also struct pointers. Remember that struct of given type and pointer to that struct are two different things in Go. As you may guess by passing a pointer to the struct as receiver type we give our method ability to modify all fields of the original struct.

package main

import "fmt"

type A struct {
    i int

func (a *A) add() {

func main() {
    a := A{i: 2}

    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", a)


    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", a)

In this example, we define that our add() function will be a method of type *A.

func (a *A) add() {

Our function receives reference to original object and it is able to modify it. The output of a program is:



So you can see that value of field i gets modified from 2 to 3. Exactly what we expected.


In Go, even functions can be receivers and can have methods. This can be used to enhance function with simple decorators. They can be used for example for logging errors or measuring execution time. The following, simple example explains the usage of functions as receiver types.

package main

import (

type F func(string) string

func (f F) upperCase(s string) string {
    return strings.ToUpper(f(s))

func (f F) lowerCase(s string) string {
    return strings.ToLower(f(s))

func (f F) mixCase(s string) string {
    return f.lowerCase(s) + f.upperCase(s)

func doubleString(a string) string {
    return a + a

func main() {
    f := F(doubleString)





First of all, we declare that F is type of function that takes string and returns string.

type F func(string) string

Next, we add methods for type F.

func (f F) upperCase(s string) string {
    return strings.ToUpper(f(s))

func (f F) lowerCase(s string) string {
    return strings.ToLower(f(s))

func (f F) mixCase(s string) string {
    return f.lowerCase(s) + f.upperCase(s)

Note, that the only things you can do with function as receiver type argument, is to:

  • call it f(s)
  • use other methods defined for it f.lowerCase(s)

Obviously, it is like that because functions does not have fields like structs.

The last thing is to define function that will be compatible with F type. It must have one string argument and return string. This simple function that concatenates string with itself is a good candidate to use as F type:

func doubleString(a string) string {
    return a + a

In the main function, we create a new variable of type F. We convert doubleString function to this type. The conversion is possible because doubleString the function is coherent with type F.

func main() {
    f := F(doubleString)





The output of program is:





Take a closer look at the syntax of calling methods of function. It is similar to that used with structs. This is because in Go functions are types just like structs so they are treated the same.

In Go defining methods for functions is a very popular idiom and it is used in a lot of places. This pattern allows utilizing decorator pattern in a very efficient way. I am not going to write about it here because this topic is so broad, that it deserves a separate blog post.

Package scope

In previous examples, we used only one package. Things are different when we use more packages. In Go, we can define new methods for type only when it is in the same package that method definition.

Let’s take this project structure as an example:

├── main.go
└── src
    └── lib
        └── lib.go

We have main and lib packages. Individual files look like this:


package main

import (

func (a lib.A) add() {

func main() {
    a := lib.A{I: 1}


package lib

type A struct {
    I int

In lib package we define type A. This struct has one field I int which name starts with upper case letter so this field is accessible from other packages.

In main packages we try to define a new method for type A. The result is compiler error cannot define new methods on non-local type lib.A.

So as you can see we can define new methods only for types in the same package. This is the reason why we can’t define new methods for build in types (like int string byte etc.).

Use type redefinition

But there is a solution. We can create type redefinition and refer to it instead of to original type. Next example illustrates the way of adding a new method for build in int type.

package main

import "fmt"

type Int int

func (i *Int) add() {
    *i = Int(int(*i) + 1)

func main() {
    i := Int(1)




We define that Int is type that is same as int but it is defined inside our package.

type Int int

Next, we add a new method for type *Int. Inside it, we cast Int to int to be able to use + operator defined for int.

func (i *Int) add() {
    *i = Int(int(*i) + 1)

The output of a program is:



We successfully enhanced built-in type with new functionality (not super useful in this example).

What can’t be used as the receiver?

We can’t use the following things as receiver types:

  • methods - if we define method on object type it can’t be used as receiver type just like a normal function.
  • interfaces - in Go interfaces are defining set of actions possible for the type. They are not defining actual implementation. That’s why they can’t be used as receivers for methods, because methods are about implementation.


In this post, I presented what kinds of objects in Go can be used as function receiver arguments. As you can see various types of receivers and methods in Go are very usable and they are complementing normal functions.