Sometimes there is a need to run Kubernetes CronJob as a Pod. For example, you want to check if all files in Pod are in place because you are getting strange errors in logs.

If you want to check that without creating a Pod manually, you have two options:

  • wait for CronJob to run a Pod based on schedule (not always possible if schedule is very rare)
  • manually create Job from CronJob using kubectl create job <name> --from <existing_cron_job_name> command line

Both of those solutions are fine if the process running inside the created Pod is running long and gives you enough time to check all the things that you want. But sometimes this is not possible, for example, due to a bug in the startup script when Pod is exiting seconds after its creation. In that case, it is not possible to enter the Pod using kubectl exec to diagnose the issue. Of course, you can always export CronJob as YAML and modify it manually, but this is time-consuming and may lead to errors. In this blog post, I will describe a better solution to that problem.

Note: All code in this tutorial has been tested using Kubernetest v1.21.x and Python3.

Python Kubernetes API

We will use the Python Kubernetes API to automate the creation of Pod based on CronJob. We will modify some values from PodSpec to allow our new Pod to run infinitely, so we will have enough time to investigate all issues. What we need to do at the beginning is to install the Python Kubernetes API library from pip repo using this command:

pip install kubernetes

Then let’s check if everything works fine by running this simple Python script:

from kubernetes import client, config

If there are no import error, then that means our library is configured properly, and we can proceed with next steps. Our script will contain the followings steps:

  • getting CronJob definition from cluster
  • extracting PodSpec from CronJob definition
  • replacing some elements in PodSpec
  • creating a new Pod based on our new PodSpec

In the next section, I will describe those in details.


So the first step is to get the definition of CronJob from cluster. For that, we will use the read_namespaced_cron_job method.

from kubernetes import client

name = 'my-cron-job'
namespace = 'default'
api_instance = client.BatchV1Api()
cron_job = api_instance.read_namespaced_cron_job(name, namespace)

We use BatchV1Api here because CronJob is under that. As the reminder - this is the typical start of a CronJob definition in Kubernetes:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: `CronJob`

The next step is extraction of PodSpec object instance from our CronJob. First, we need to extract JobTemplateSpec and then take PodTemplateSpec. The last step is to get the actual spec of pod as PodSpec object.

pod_spec = cron_job.spec.job_template.spec.template.spec

This is the moment, where if we want, we might apply necessary changes to our pod_spec. What I recommend is to change the command to sleep infinity so our new Pod will not exit as soon as it is created.

pod_spec.containers[0].command = ['sleep', 'infinity']

This code assumes that you have only one container in your pod. If there is more, than simple for loop will be necessary.

What is left is the creation of a new Pod in cluster - let’s do that right now. We reference our extracted pod_spec in pod.spec field of our new object. The last command pushes the definition of our new pod to cluster using the CoreV1Api object.

pod = client.V1Pod()
pod.metadata = client.V1ObjectMeta() = 'my-new-pod-based-on-cron-job'
pod.spec = pod_spec

api_core = client.CoreV1Api()
api_core.create_namespaced_pod(namespace, pod)

The whole script should look like that:

from kubernetes import client, config

name = 'my-cron-job'
namespace = 'default'

config.load_kube_config() #needed to detect your kubernetes config just like kubectl

api_instance = client.BatchV1Api()
name = args.cron_job_name
namespace = config.list_kube_config_contexts()[0][0]['context']['namespace']
cron_job = api_instance.read_namespaced_cron_job(name, namespace)
pod_spec = cron_job.spec.job_template.spec.template.spec

pod = client.V1Pod()
pod.metadata = client.V1ObjectMeta() = name + '-pod'
pod.spec = pod_spec

api_core = client.CoreV1Api()
api_core.create_namespaced_pod(namespace, pod)


In this blog post, I described how you can create Pod based on CronJob. The process involves using the Kubernetes Python API to interact with cluster. At the end, we got a script that can be further customized to fit more advanced needs, including automation of tasks.